Top 15 NFT Marketing agencies of Q3, 2022

Discord servers are arguably the most popular community chats for Cryptocurrency NFT projects in 2022. Discord provides a free, easy-to-use community chat through which NFT holders or new members can discuss and engage in NFT related discussions.
To guarantee the success of your NFT project, it's important to constantly grow your NFT discord chat. An active Discord chat helps build trust with new NFT buyers and people who are curious about your NFT project.
Below are some methods how you can grow your NFT Discord chat by thousands of members.
With over a billion monthly visitors, Reddit is one of the most popular websites on the planet.
By posting your NFT on NFT-related subreddits you can reach millions of people within your target NFT audience.
Some great NFT related are subreddits are: (366k members) (59.6k members) (200k members) (33 members)
A great example of an organic NFT advertisement posted on r/NFT would be this post by u/mreg366.
"Check out Bunny Buddies!! Known artist who's worked with many famous rappers... Don't sleep on this.. disc server 👇👇👇"
It's a beautiful NFT with a subtle call-to-action to join their Discord server.
You can take this marketing effort a step further, and purchase 100 upvotes for your R/NFT post. That way, you can reach the "HOT" page on Reddit and reach over 300k members within the r/NFT community.
You can buy Reddit upvotes and Posts from Coinboosts. CoinBoosts can also post your NFT across 10+ other NFT subreddits.
Keep in mind though, that Reddit is a tough crowd, so don't do any hard selling.
Keep your posts organic and short. Be friendly and respect others' opinions. It's important to keep an open mind and accept criticism about your NFT-s, since it's coming from your target audience.
Reddit is also a great way to improve your SEO. Posting backlinks to your NFT-s on Reddit means they will rank higher on Google Search, brining your OpenSea listings more viewers every day.
Collaborating with other NFT projects in Discord is another great way to grow brand awareness about your NFT inside your target audience.
Inside most NFT Discord servers, there are separate chats for shilling purposes. There, you can spam your own NFT project as much as you want, and hopefully land some new buyers for your NFT artwork.
Twitter is one of the world's most popular NFT platforms. Every day, there are thousands of NFT-s being promoted by influencers & NFT designers.
Remember, consistency is key, so post your NFT as often as possible with multiple NFT related hashtags. You should ask your community to retweet your NFT-s, so you can reach as many people as possible.
You can also run NFT giveaways on Twitter. Giving away an NFT for free is a great way to reach thousands of people in Twitter and bring in some new buyers. You are giving away one NFT for free, but you might gain multiple new NFT buyers.
If you're too lazy to do this yourself, you can contact CoinBoosts to run a cash giveaway for you, bringing in direct investors and community members for your NFT discord server.
NFT influencers on Instagram and Twitter are another great way to gain new members for your NFT discord.
You can find NFT influencers on Twitter and Instagram by looking under popular NFT hashtags.
When approaching these influencers, keep an open mind and ask for their pricing. Don't be too specific at first, just ask for their pricing and be ready to pay when asked. Nobody likes time wasters.
If you don't bother doing this yourself, you can also let us do the hard work for you and leverage our network of high value NFT influencers.
Shoot us a description of your project and what you need - we'll make it work.